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About Yohanes
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Categories: Predictive maintenance, demand forecasting, fraud detection, churn prediction, scientific ML, human resource, geospatial analysis, computer vision
Read this work in Towards Data Science
Read this work in Analytics Vidhya
Read this work in Towards Data Science
Read this work in Towards Data Science
Y. Nuwara¹, T. Miyoshi¹, Z. Xue¹, T. Hashimoto¹, T. Nakajima¹
¹Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth, Kyoto, Japan
Full DAS optical fiber record of an earthquake occurring in the Bōsō Peninsula in 20 February 2020 at 06:33 UTC+0
Short description of portfolio item number 2
Plan of Development (PoD) study for net-zero CO2 emission development of an oil field
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Published in The 82nd EAGE Annual Conference in Amsterdam, 2020
This paper presents a novel methodology for the integration of multiple geophysical methods (rock physics modeling, time-lapse seismic modeling, and geomechanical analysis) for the purpose of monitoring Carbon Capture and Storage in a carbonate reef reservoir.
Published in 1st EAGE Workshop on Faults in Groundwater, CO2 and Hydrocarbons in Asia Pacific (Canberra, Australia), 2021
This paper discusses our proposed methodology that we (Dr. Kazuo Nakayama in FGI Tokyo and my colleague Kevyn Augusta) developed to evaluate the capacity of seal rock for CCS using the Equivalent Grain Size (EGS) method. Using relation between seal porosity and pore throat size, the EGS method assumes hydrodynamic equilibrium of CO2-gas mixed fluids to calculate each column height in the carbonate reef structure and maximum pressure allowed for CO2 injection.
Published in Green Energy Computing and Sustainable Technology (GECOST) International Conference, 2023
This work proposed YOLOv5 object detection model to improve the aerial surveillance on palm oil (Elaeis guinensis) health using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
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Published in IEEE Sensors Journal Volume 23 Issue 14, 2023
This work proposed a different approach of predicting compressional (P) and shear (S) wave sonic log response for petroleum subsurface characterization using genetic programming approach that produces a set of explainable mathematical equations related to different logs as features
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Published in Fifteenth International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2022), 2023
This work proposed the implementation of distributed data parallelism (DDP) and automatic mixed precision (AMP) to minimize the memory usage and optimizing usability of GPUs while improving the accuracy of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model in classifying earth terrains from satellite images
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This was presented in a series of webinar organized by SPE Asia Pacific University and SPE Northern Emirates virtually in Malaysia. In this webinar, I presented a motivation presentation for students and young professionals on the education of programming for petroleum engineering and geoscience domains. I showcased some of my open-source works written in Python.
This was presented in a community sharing event organized by NEUSTRA Community (community of petroleum engineering ML enthusiasts) and SPE Alexandria University Student Chapter. On this occasion, I presented my project on sonic log synthesis / missing sonic log prediction using Gradient Boosting model.
This was presented in the International Geosciences Symposium organized by Christ College in Kerala, India. In this presentation, I shared one of my works on the prediction of synthetic sonic log using machine learning in Volve Field, North Sea.
This was presented in the SAGE/GAGE Workshop on Distributed Acoustic Sensing organized by IRIS held virtually in October 2021. In this presentation, I shared our research progress in RITE. Our research specifically focuses on the application of DAS fiber-optic cable for seismic activity monitoring in Japanese areas.
This was presented in King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) virtually in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. In this presentation, I discussed about the promising role of data analytics in the three phases of CCS projects, namely ANN in the site selection phase, data-driven surrogate modeling in the sequestration phase, and CNN in the monitoring phase.
One-day course, SPE Trisakti University Student Chapter in Jakarta, Indonesia (Virtual), 2020
This course consisted of 3 sessions in 1 day; first session about basic Python programming, second session about Python application in exploration (basic well-log analysis); and third session about Python application in production (basic decline curve analysis of production data). Watch on YouTube: All sessions
Three-day course, SPE Port Harcourt Section in Nigeria (Virtual), 2020
This course consisted of 3 sessions in 1 month; first session about basic Python programming and well-log analysis, second session about material balance analysis; and third session about well-test analysis. There were also coding assignments after this course. Watch on YouTube: Session 1, Session 2, Session 3
Four-day course/Internship, Marietta College, Department of Petroleum Engineering, 2021
This course consisted of 4 sessions in 1 month; first session about basic Python programming, second session about production data analysis; and third session about exploration data visualization of well-log data, wellbore trajectory, and natural fractures; and fourth session about decline curve analysis and production forecast. This course was held as part of the Spring Internship Program. Watch on YouTube: Session 1, Session 2, Session 3, Session 4