Integration of Reservoir, Rock Physics, Seismic, and Geomechanical Modelling for CO2 Injection in Carbonate Reef Reservoir

Published in The 82nd EAGE Annual Conference in Amsterdam, 2020

This paper presents a novel methodology for the integration of multiple geophysical methods (rock physics modeling, time-lapse seismic modeling, and geomechanical analysis) for the purpose of monitoring Carbon Capture and Storage in a carbonate reef reservoir. Case study presented is in Gundih Field, East Java, Indonesia.


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Cite as: Nuwara. Y. (2020) Integration of Reservoir, Rock Physics, Seismic, and Geomechanical Modelling for CO2 Injection in Carbonate Reef Reservoir. 82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition Proceeding. Vol. 2020 p. 1-5.